
"The Gap Theory" DEBUNKED!
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Auteur:  Dirk [ di 08 sep 2015 08:56 ]
Berichtonderwerp:  "The Gap Theory" DEBUNKED!

"The Gap Theory" "Theistic Evolution" & "The Day Age Theory" DEBUNKED!

"Gap Theory" "Theistic Evolution" & The "Day-Age" Theory
Are any of these doctrines scriptural;
Does the Bible, contain any of these theories and is it ok to go to other sources other than the Bible to make doctrine about what the Bible says even if other translators translated words, like the Hebrew and Greek, Lexicon, Strong's Exhaustive Concordance and "Bible Dictionaries" which required other translators to translate these words into English which sometimes contradict The KJV Bible?
Have you ever considered that those books redefine the meanings of entire Bible passages if you pour over them and believe you're getting to a deeper meaning that what is actually written?
When the KJV translators translated the Bible, they did not have these books.
They used ACTUAL dictionaries of each language and the Greek and Hebrew text, so by the time you do all of that you might as well read and study the NIV or some other New Age Bible.
Stop and think about what you are doing.
Get the oldest English Webster's Dictionary available.
I suggest the 1828 Webster online version at

Is the Strong's a useful tool?
Sure it is, but ONLY if you use only the Concordance and not the other features, but if you have a computer you don't even need that anymore.
Get the KJV on your computer and you can find any word or phrase just by using the built in "find" feature.

Think about what you put into your mind and add to your belief system.
Keep it between you and God and his Word.
Many times the Scripture defines itself and you don't need these tools anyway!

Science is Knowledge as defined in Webster's dictionary.
Life from Space, Archeopteryx, Java Man, Neanderthal Man, Piltdown Man, Nebraska Man, Peking Man, East Africa Man, The "Gap Theory" & Theistic Evolution.
missing link
Scientific Fraud Charles Darwin, Charles Dawson, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
"THE DESCENT OF MAN" page 141 Charles Darwin plainly says that he believed man to be descendant of "monkeys".
"The Simiadae then branched off into two great stems, the New World and Old World monkeys; and from the latter, at a remote period, Man, the wonder and glory of the Universe, proceeded."
Darwin was NOT saying we descended from a *common ancestor" but from monkeys! These are defenses commonly used to defend Darwin from embarrassment...

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